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Article (24)

  1. Reply Targets

    Providing a useful context to content written in response to someone else’s blog post, tweet, toot, etc. helps a reader...
  2. Sparkline Sound-Off

    🖼️ I have been following in the footsteps of Jeremy Keith for a few months now. Dotted around my website, now...
  3. Numerals, Romanticised

    🖼️ For a better part of the year, I’ve been working on a Jekyll-based Progressive Web App, BloodBuilder, for managing my...

Beer (230)

Book (11)

Bookmark (95)

  1. In-Browser Performance Linting With Feature Policies

    🔖 “Feature-Policy is a relatively new feature that lets you opt-in or out of certain browser features on your site.” Tim...
  2. Accessible Color Spaces - Color Contrast Tool

    🔖 This is such an amazing tool for visualising colour and contrast that’ll help you confidently meet your accessibility requirements. It...
  3. How Not To Sort By Average Rating – Evan Miller

    🔖 PROBLEM: You are a web programmer. You have users. Your users rate stuff on your site. You want to put...
  4. An Illustrated (and Musical) Guide to Map, Reduce, and Filter Array Methods

    🔖 I’ve struggled for a little while to wrap my head around these new methods, but this article by Una Kravets...
  5. Sophisticated Partitioning with CSS Grid

    🔖 Equally as impressive as Rob Weychert’s ’Tinnitus Tracker’ is the CSS Grid that powers it. This article and accompanying code...
  6. 1% Better • Robin Rendle

    🔖 This really resonates with me—too often I’ve planned or been part of planning a big project that fizzles out and...
  7. CSS doesn’t suck

    🔖 Front-end communities have been up-in-arms recently about CSS’s shortcomings (and how they compare to JS’s shortcomings, for example). I think...
  8. Chrono Trigger: Secret of the Forest - Reuben Gingrich

    🔖 I’m clearly cruising on a Chrono Trigger vibe because, again, I need to share some music by some unquestionably-talented musicians...
  9. Piano Genie

    🔖 Piano Genie, an intelligent controller that maps 8-button input to a full 88-key piano in real time, is in some...
  10. IE9 :before font-size bug

    🔖 Seems there’s a bug in Internet Explorer 9 wherein pseudo content (:before and :after content) doesn’t get parsed properly in...
  11. Polyfill Service

    🔖 The polyfill service selectively bundles browser polyfills based on the User-Agent header supplied in a request, with the intention of...

Chess (3)

Code (21)

Game (10)

Like (202)

Movie (7)

Music (61)

Note (90)

  1. ↩️ In reply to by @keithjgrant
    ✍️ Thanks Keith. Aw, this makes me so sad. I hope that we at least get to see a flourishing and full-of-life Hyrule in the sequel. I loved exploring the broken...
  2. ↩️ In reply to Playing music on the web by Neil Mather
    ✍️ I’ve been using Odesli (formerly Songlink) for a bit of time now, and although I haven’t heard any feedback about it, provides links out to multiple platforms like I...
  3. ↩️ In reply to Justin Avery
    ✍️ I’d consider myself a beginner; I found it very approachable, and it strengthened my core JS knowledge, making me more confident to explore more advanced topics. I think it’s best...
  4. ↩️ In reply to Andy Bell
    ✍️ I’ve been thinking about this ever since you posted it, and this realisation resonates really strongly with me. Coding is a means to an end for me now, rather than...
  5. ✍️ Interesting. Everyone who insists I should be more involved and interested in politics seems to have a very specific context they want me to get involved in. Almost like they...
  6. ✍️ Shout-out to @codefundio ( for their fantastic service and above-and-beyond team. I cannot state strongly enough how kind and understanding they are—they get the highest possible recommendation from me!
  7. ↩️ In reply to a previous note
    ✍️ I think I’m going to try to make this happen. For a long time I have been building my site on a mostly vanilla Jekyll set-up as an example of...
  8. ✍️ I would love to try switching my site from @jekyllrb onto @eleven_ty, but it looks like such a huge undertaking, as I have heavily customised the way I use Jekyll...
  9. ✍️ Another 🐇 🕳 idea… Input a YouTube channel URL → The channel’s Atom feed is added to your Microsub “YouTube” channel. YouTube subscriptions without a Google account. No idea how...
  10. ↩️ In reply to Bridging the Indieweb and the Fediverse with Bridgy Fed, part 1 by Neil Mather
    ✍️ Neil, this is both remarkably well-written and informative! I have to agree with all the points you’ve raised, particularly about the high barrier to entry for non-technical folks wanting to...
  11. ↩️ In reply to Ana Rodrigues
    ✍️ I definitely have improvements to make, but at present I use the Twitter API to create a tweet, and I pull the URL of the tweet from the response into...
  12. ↩️ In reply to Jacky Alciné
    ✍️ That’s totally fair—I think development can and should be a joy wherever possible! I don’t think that strict adherence to a standard trumps happiness—I think the opposite—but I do often...
  13. ✍️ I still fail to see what benefits arise from shortened variable names. Why is “currPag” preferable to “currentPage”, “btn” preferable to “button”? Without context, I’m guessing what the author intended...
  14. ↩️ In reply to Dom Patmore
    ✍️ I find the non-self-hosted version of @1Password really clean and easy to use on both my laptop and phone. Although it’s not free, I don’t mind paying a bit for...
  15. 😔 Didn’t go to Homebrew Website Club London
    ✍️ 📅 Sadly, I won’t be able to attend, but if you’ve ever been curious about content ownership, IndieWeb, or new ways to tinker on your website, Homebrew Website Club London is...
  16. ✍️ Couldn’t be happier with how #SotB18 turned out this year. It was an honour and a pleasure to be involved in organising such an incredible event. Massive thanks to all... 📍 at Conway Hall

Podcast (5)

Recipe (9)

Talk (1)

TV (12)