

I use Visual Studio Code for coding with Wes Bos’ Cobalt2 theme; although, I’m currently trying to familiarise myself with Vim, so these days I often simply use that or a plugin within Visual Studio Code.

My terminal of choice is iTerm2 running Z shell/zsh. Oh My Zsh allows me to easily manage my zsh configuration and pulls in Powerlevel9k for theming.

My font of choice for coding is Menlo, and for my terminal I use a variation, Menlo for Powerline, which allows me to use non-standard characters for constructing my zsh/Oh My Zsh/Powerlevel9k theme.


I run a Mid-2015 15” Retina Macbook Pro with a 4-core i7 processor and 16 GB of RAM.

When I’m able to, I also use a Ducky One RGB TKL keyboard and a Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum mouse. All the colours.